Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to work with CCStudio and TMS320C6713DSK kit

First of all we connect the kit by cable from power adopter which was provided with kit and connect the kit to the USB socket of computer by USB cable.

After passing diagnostic test of the kit by SD (System Diognostic) software. Double click the CCStudio 6713 icon after clicking this icon, showing a window like above fig No-1


After some few second you can see one more window like fig-2, on your computer desktop.


In fig-2 this window showing "No Target Connected" in yellow box at lower left side of this window, (the target is 67xxdsp kit) for connect the target select connect from debug menu or press Alt+C key.fig-3



After connect the kit (target) to software CCStudio a new yellow tag "Target is now connected" will show at lower left side. fig-4


We have to make a new project for run the any programme, first off all click the project button like as in fig-5 then click new. A window will appear on computer screen like as in fig-6 there are some heading in this window like project name, location, project type and target.
First write the name of project in 'Project Name' space, give the location in 'Location' space where you want to save your project, Project type is '.out' by default and Target(kit) must be as you are using e.g. 62XX, 64XX or 67XX.

